Quest - The Second Age : Character Subclasses

© 1990-1999 by KJC Games. All rights reserved.
With the re-release of Quest, we thought it would be a good idea to include specialist character classes. These classes flesh out the variour roles that would exist in a fantasy world. For example an archer would be a specialised fighter spending time training in the use of missile weaponry at the cost of skill with melee weapons.


This is to be an ongoing project rather than release all the new classes at once. This will aloow us to produce a greater number of classes than would be possible if they were all to be produced to a deadline. At present there are twenty0five new character classes proposed but this number may grow or shrink depending on the success of the first releases.

The first character classes to be released will be those concerned primarily with combat while those dealing spells and miracles will follow at a later date. This has been a conscious decision on behalf of KJC. This will give players time to get to grips with the simpler specialist characters but also allows us to monitor their effect on the game. It is better to take a bit of time and get it right.

For convenience, we have grouped these classes with those currently available for most of their actions. Thus the archer mentioned above would be considered as a fighter. This was a conscious decision intended to prevent players from having to use many orders to cover all the new character types.


As these new classes are speciality classes, they are not as easy to recruit as normal classes. This is because they are in general quite rare and certain races of a particular class and virtually non-existent. For this reason they do not have their own recruitment orders, but only show up when an attempt is made to recruit an elven thief, for example, there may well be an elven burglar offering his services. Certain races are more likely to belong to certain subclasses. Halfbloods are unlikely to be footmen, but may well be both assassins and burglars. While an attempt to hire an elven fighter may result in an archer offering his services.


Many of the specialist classes to be introduced have distinct personalities. This will in general, not be a problem, in fact once recruited will not even be a factor. Having certain specialist characters in the party, however, may mean that other types will not offer their services. An example may be a necromancer joining a party with a lay healer. Others on the other hand may only offer their services if there are certain characters present such as sage needing a peasant to run and fetch for him. Restrictions may be described on the character class, or may have to be learned over time.


The following are some of the new character classes that will become available. There it has been convinient, pairs of characters have been described together.

Page Created 1st December 1999
Last Updated 2nd December 1999