Quest - The Second Age : Rule Book, Page 4 of 16

© 1990-1999 by KJC Games. All rights reserved.

Player Character

Each character has a number of statistics used to represent their skills and abilities. The meanings of most of these is fairly obvious but we have given a brief description below for each statistic.

TypeThe race and profession
SexEither male or female
GoldAmount carrying
Melee and MissileWeapon used in combat
ARArmour class
SKSkill in his chosen profession
EXPExperience points
HealthPhysical well being

Game Maps

Each turn you will receive a map showing the details of your current location, and another showing your position on the world map (the little square).

When you are travelling through the wilderness, the local map will show the terrain of each sector that you passed through and what was visible from the route you travelled. A number UNDERNEATH a map sector represents something interesting in a particular square. The key below the map tells you what this was; it could be another player's party, a monster or perhaps a town. There could also be monsters on the map that you can not see.


In Quest there are three different types of locations, these being towns, wilderness and dungeons. Each is treated separately with the same order sometimes having different affects depending on the environment. Dungeon exploration has been left for the advanced rulebook.

In any of the three environments, your party can choose to move either fast, normally or cautiously. This is set using the SPEED order and is initally set as normal (code 2) for all locations. You would use code 1 to move quickly, 2 for normal and 3 for cautiously.

A separate speed can be selected for travel in the three different environments. Your party will remember the speed set for each and return to that speed whenever they re-enter the environment. To change speed simply issue another SPEED order while in the right environment.

S (1=Fast / 2=Normal / 3=Cautious)
For example: S 1 selects rapid movement for your party in their current environment.

Movement Points

How far you can travel depends on how many movement points your party has available. If you choose a movement speed of cautious you will normally have 15 movement points, at normal 21 points and at fast 26 points.

Certain things can reduce or increase movement points; for example injuries can slow you down while horses speed you up. You will be told on your turn report how many movement points you have available for your next turn.

Town Movements

Within a settlement, a party moves from shop to shop, conducting business along the way. No movement points are used doing this. Moving cautiously in towns will help you explore the city in more detail, possibly finding hidden shops but can leave you exposed to pickpockets.

Certain shops sell stagecoach or ship travel to other cities and towns. If you buy this service, it will take your whole party immediately to the new town and any orders following this will be processed there.

Villages and towns have just one area but cities are much larger and have from two to five different areas or suburbs, each of which has its own list of shops. As you move from shop to shop you will automatically move suburb as necessary. However, as you only receive the list of shops for the suburb in which you end your turn, to get a list of shops from a different area, you will need to use the LOCATE order.

Locate Suburb or Shop
L (suburb or shop)
For example: L 3 will move you to suburb number 3.

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Page Created 3rd December 1999
Last Updated 4nd December 1999